+34 965 72 90 14 - Pza. Constitución, 5 - 03140 Guardamar del Segura - Horario de atención al público: L - V de 9:00h. a 14:00h. - WhatsApp: 699 27 33 39 alcaldia@alcaldiaguardamar.com

Telephones of interest

Emergency: 112
Town hall: 96 572 90 14
Mayoralty: 965 72 80 68
Animal protection association 646 272 656 / 636 959 048 / 626 424 633
Field Medical Office: 966 91 67 65
Fishermen’s Guild: 965 72 89 63
Water Treatment Plant Guardamar:: 966 72 63 91
Ecoparque: 966 725 360
EPA-Mercedes: 686 691 702
Music School: 966 72 60 44
Gesnet: 966 72 53 60
Gespark: 966 72 65 44
Hidraqua Levante: 965 728 332
Hidraqua Emergency: 629 981 251
Pensioner’s Home: 966 72 71 61
Iberdrola: 900 225 235
Ingepark: 965 72 71 04
Water Court: 965 72 81 91
Civil Court-Civil Registry: 965 72 90 23
Municipal Office of the Field: 965 72 72 70
O.R.A(a porta d´Argel en Porticada): 617 301 421
Climatized pool: 966 72 65 93
Property registration 965 72 43 21
Culture House: 96 572 86 10
Molivent School: 96 529 01 10
Reyes Católicos School: 96 529 01 15
College of «CAMP» 965 72 59 94
Children’s school L’Escoleta: 96 572 95 50
IES Les Dunes: 96 692 67 90
Dama de Guardamar School 96 692 68 45
Casino: 677 746 594
Library: 96 672 71 70
Tourist Office: 96 572 44 88
Palau Sant Jaume Sports Complex: 96 672 63 35
Civil Guard: 96 572 90 15
Local police: 96 572 96 00
Firefighters: 112
Post: 96 572 83 88
Iberdrola: 901 202 020
Aquagest: 96 572 83 32
SUMA Gestión Tributaria 965 29 20 00
Puerto Marina de Las Dunas: 96 672 65 49 / 96 672 67 41
Sant Jaume Parish: 96 572 90 72 / 679 423 976
Clinic: 96 572 95 15 / 96 572 95 00
Cruz Roja: 96 572 75 00
Hospital of  Torrevieja: 96 572 14 00
Hospital of  Vega Baja: 96 587 75 00
Hospital of San Jaime: 96 692 25 29
Casa Verde residence 966 72 68 72
VILLA AUGUSTA residence 965 72 44 40
Clinic 965 29 02 85
Rehabilitation center 965 72 78 11
Cristina-Red Cross driver 600 948 237
Altet Airport: 96 691 91 00 / 94 00
San Javier Airport: 96 822 06 59
Taxi stop: 96 672 70 18 / 669 509 559
Bus Agostense (Guardamar – Orihuela): 96 512 17 38
Bus Costa Azul (Alicante – Cartagena): 96 572 91 26
Bus Vegabus (Guardamar – Elche): 96 545 75 53
Bus station: 96 572 91 26
Renfe: 902 240 202
Elche Tax Agency: 965 44 12 11
Catastro Alicante: 965 13 58 90
Appointment: 965 13 10 95
DNI Elche: 966 61 39 68
DNI Torrevieja: 966 92 86 36
Immigration Alicante: 965 13 10 95
Homemaker Association: 606 071 263
Guardamar Tanning Shop: 966 72 70 18
Costa Blanca 965 23 01 60
ADIMAR 639 120 113 / 965 72 79 40
Parish: 965 72 90 72
